Saturday, November 19, 2011

Boys. Enough said.

We all have to deal with them at some time or another... so how are we supposed to be like Jesus and at the same time have a crush on some guy?
First off, let's chat a little bit about the one thing that makes our lives so confusing- boys.  Quite honestly, they are just people.  People that make our lives interesting, yes, but just people.  And it's totally okay to like one of them.  It's natural, probably some girl hormone type thing.  But we have to protect them and ourselves, and that's where Jesus comes in.
A few key words: honesty and modesty.  First of all, honesty.  Don't lie, that's the first bit.  But second, be honest with yourself.  If this guy is going to be a bad influence, it's probably not good idea.  And there are better ways to make him a better person than to date him.
Modesty shouldn't even have to be on here, but sadly girls tend to... well, not be modest when they are trying to get a guy.  This isn't all of us, I know.  But to be blunt, he should be in love with you, not your body.  If the only way you can catch his attention is through flaunting yourseslf, it's time to be honest with yourself and rethink all of this.
The bottom line is, if you are doing what Jesus would do throughout all of your guy drama- which believe me, we all have- then you should have minimal problems.  If it's time to walk away, walk away.  If you need to end something, end it, but if it's fine to start something, start it.  When it comes down to it, these things are for you and God to decide, not this random blog.
You knew it was coming... the challenge!  This time, it's:
No matter where things go, keep Jesus with you.
Guys can make things pretty complicated in our lives, and they can get you in some weird situations.  But whatever choice you find yourself having to make, remember what Jesus did.  He died for us so that we could be saved, and He gave you life.  He can come again at any time, so make sure He's not going to walk in on something that He wouldn't be proud of.

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